Eric Patrizio

R&D software engineer. Programming languages design enthusiast.


Hello 👋, I’m Eric!, 50 years old, french, living in the Paris area.
I’m a R&D software engineer, I’ve 20 years of experience in software development, in web environments.
After a master’s degree in computer science (2021 - 2023, Paris Sorbonne University of Sciences), I’m now a young new ;-) computer scientist specialized in programming languages design.

#FrugalComputing #OCaml #WebAssembly #Wasm

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#Current_status (2024, August)

I work at Sismic, a software publisher.
First step, I work with the development team to improve the source code quality production (agile mindset, automatic testing, software design, etc.). Next, I’m working on a medium-term project to create a new R&D team that could be closer to academic subjects.

#Research&Development #Rust


miniml2wasm (MiniML to WebAssembly compiler) is a personal experimental project.
It’s always difficult to write a compiler, so, this project, written in OCaml, allows me to experiment. Next, It gives me a better understanding of ML languages (e.g. strong static typing, inference) and the Wasm bytecode.

I continue to contribute to ola (Ocaml LuA interpreter, another personal project) and I’m always close to owi 🐌 (WebAssembly Swissknife & cross-language bugfinder, an OCamlPro project).

Learn more on my GitHub

#OCaml #Lua #MiniML #WebAssembly #Wasm #Interpreter #Compiler